Category: Newsletter articles
Editor: Damian Grant
Library: Online
Year: 2019
N° catalog: Vol 30 No 3
File: Newsletter vol 30 no 3

Hits: 605


There is much to learn from the forgotten architectural and structural principles developed by ancient builders. Novel structural analysis tools extending traditional methods could allow engineers to understand the mechanisms that have allowed surviving structures to avoid structural collapse and destruction during strong earthquakes. By better understanding the seismic performance of ancient structures, better decisions on the conservation and rehabilitation techniques could be made. This study aims to investigate the seismic vulnerability of the two-storey colonnade of the Forum in Pompeii. Software based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM) is used. The colonnade was represented by a series of distinct blocks connected by zero thickness interfaces which could open and close depending on the magnitude and direction of stresses applied to them. From analysis results, it was shown that the seismic behaviour of these structures exhibits rocking and sliding phenomena between the individual blocks. Specifically, the drums may rock either individually or in groups resulting in several different shapes of oscillations. Also, during strong earthquake excitations, the drums in ancient columns act as a dissipating mechanism, allowing relative deformations, and in most cases preventing collapse.

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