Design of steel and composite buildings against progressive collapse


Structural robustness is a key safety consideration in the design of buildings for exceptional events. In recent years, extensive research has been carried out on the mitigation of progressive collapse in steel and composite steel/concrete buildings, leading to design approaches of different levels of complexity, some of which will be implemented within imminent revisions of design standards.

This event is a half-day workshop which introduces the technical background of a European project entitled Failnomore on the topic of progressive collapse. The workshop also delivers some practical recommendations, which will be presented together with an open-access design manual and design examples. The workshop covers the design of buildings for identified and unidentified threats, and the examples include steel and composite steel/concrete structures in seismic and non-seismic regions.

The workshop is free to attend, but places are limited and have to be reserved in advance. To register for the event, please click on the following link.


Each participant will receive a copy of the workshop material.



Registration and Lunch



Welcome Address and Introduction

Prof. Ahmed Elghazouli, Imperial College London


Status of Structural Eurocodes and Background to Codified Robustness Design

Prof. David Nethercot, Imperial College London


Mitigating the Risk of Progressive Collapse under Exceptional Events – The FAILNOMORE Project

Prof. Jean-François Demonceau, University of Liège


Coffee Break



Overview of Design Procedures and Recommendations

Prof. Ahmed Elghazouli, Imperial College London

Eng. Zeyad Khalil, Imperial College London



Design Examples for Steel and Composite Buildings

Prof. Florea Dinu, University of Timisoara


Workshop Closure


Event Details

Event Date 01/06/2022 11:30 am
Event End Date 01/06/2022 5:30 pm
Location Institution of Structural Engineers

Location Map